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Tool Configurations

Each PMOD tool also has individual configuration settings which tailor it to the user's needs. These settings dialogs can be accessed by using the Menu/Settings/Modify entry

Menu Settings Modify

or directly by the button
Button Settings

in the lowest line of the tool. The example below shows the settings dialog window of the viewing tool.

Settings PVIEW

The Loading, Saving, and Paths tabs are the same for the different tools. They contain the default input format definition, the default output format definition, and the data paths respectively. The Display/Report tab depends somewhat on the tool. It is mainly used for

The last tab is completely tool-specific.

When the Ok button is activated the settings are saved and will serve as the starting configuration when the tool is opened the next time.

Load/Save Settings

It can be helpful to prepare tool settings optimized for different tasks. For the cardiac modeling tool, as an example, the settings for processing water and ammonia data differ completely regarding the kinetic models. Once the settings have been prepared and confirmed with the Ok button, they can be saved with the Settings/Save entry of the menu. The settings can then be retrieved in a later session using the Settings/Retrieve menu entry.