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Mouse Brain Atlas

For the analysis of mouse brain data the VOI template Mouse_M.Mirrione [1,2] is available. The species used were C57BL/6J mice. We would like to thank Martine Mirrione for providing the data and helping with the integrations.

Spatial Normalization

Two normalization templates are available in the fusion tool as menu entries from Fusion/File/Load User Template:

The images of these templates can be found in the resources/templates/usertemplates directory.

VOI Atlas

The VOI atlas Mouse_M.Mirrione can be selected in the list of included template VOIs. The corresponding files can be found in the resources/templates/voitemplates/Mouse_M.Mirrione directory.


[1] Ma Y, Hof PR, Grant SC, Blackband SJ, Bennett R, Slatest L, McGuigan MD, Benveniste H. A three-dimensional digital atlas database of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain by magnetic resonance microscopy. Neuroscience. 2005;135(4):1203-15. DOI

2. Mirrione MM, Schiffer WK, Fowler JS, Alexoff DL, Dewey SL, Tsirka SE. A novel approach for imaging brain-behavior relationships in mice reveals unexpected metabolic patterns during seizures in the absence of tissue plasminogen activator. Neuroimage. 2007;38(1):34-42. DOI