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Error reporting

Internal errors typically leave messages of the form


at pmclass.applications.pmgateway.PMgatewayDefaults.getConvertionSettings(
at pmclass.applications.pmgateway.PMgatewayFrame.convert(

in the command window.

To allow PMOD Technologies tracking the problem please log into the support section on the website and fill the error message together with a description into the problem report form.

License Errors

Some of the most likely license errors are:

Database Access Fails

If the console window shows an error message such as

Projects list not found (1)
Projects list not found (2)
pmclass.lib.pmdisk.PMdicomDbDialog: Cannot connect to this database.
Unable to connect to any hosts due to exception: Connection refused: connect

The most likely reason is that a firewall blocks communication between java.exe and mysqld-nt.exe (if mySQL is used). A brute force method for tests is disabling the firewall and try again. However there may also be a method to selectively allow internet access for the two executables involved. Shown below is the appropriate configuration for Norton Internet Security firewall.

Generation of Quicktime Movies fails

In some installations the generation of Quicktime movies fails because of library problems. In these cases is therefore recommended to install the Java Media Framework (JMF) which can be downloaded from:

Reading of Compressed DICOM images fails

In some installation the reading of compressed DICOM data fails because of library problems. It is therefore recommended to install the Java Advanced Image I/O Tools which can be downloaded from:

Additional Solutions

For checking additional solutions please consult the Q&A area of the PMOD website.