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Converting Atlas VOIs to Contour VOIs using Normalize

A mechanism has been implemented in the PMOD VOI tool which allows transforming atlas VOIs into the study space.

NOTE: This approach will succeed ONLY if a well define strategy for data normalization is available in the Fusion.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Select the atlas VOIs for which contours should be generated (e.g. Template/Atlas/AAL-VOIs).
  2. Activate the Normalize button.
  3. A dialog window appears allowing to configure the normalization. Initially the normalization Method is selected. In this case HUMAN.
  4. In the uppermost part of the window the normalization template can be set. In case dynamic data are analyzed, an Average over a range of frame can be defined.
  5. The algorithm performs the data normalization using the Basic and Advance settings available in the Normalization Parameters tab. More informations about the settings are available Deformable Registration section of the PFUSIT documentation. It calculates the inverse transformation which is then applied to the VOI atlas. Optionally, the image background can be added to VOIs if Add background as VOI checkbox is enabled.
  6. Finally, the transformed VOI atlas is outlined.

The AAL atlas with grid filled overlay looks as follows:

VOI Normalize

Note the misalignment of the atlas and the image before transformation.

The result of Normalize algorithm are shown below:

VOI Normalize Results