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Elastic Deformation Workflow

The deformable registration approach is mainly suited for the stereotactic normalization of brain images to appropriate template images which can be loaded with the button. However, application to different scenarios is also possible.

Please first load the input images on the INPUT sub-page and make sure the Species setting is correct. Proceed with the deformable registration button.

On the REFERENCE sub-page load the reference image either with REF: Load, or using the shortcut to load an in-built template.

Deformable Matching Parameters

The Deformable matching algorithm uses several parameters, which are hidden from the user interface. There are two presets, for the normalization of CT brain images, and otherwise. The red bar above the buttons indicates which preset is active.

To enable a preset and edit the parameters please select one of the buttons. A dialog window opens and shows the current configuration. The HUMAN default settings are shown below and can always be restored with the Set Default button.

Note the Apply CT scaling options which transform the values in the CT image such that the contrast between bone and soft tissue is reduced and they are more similar to the usual anatomical images. The parameter details and the deformation method are described in a separate section.

Important: The parameter settings are serialized. The next time Deformable matching is selected for the same species, the last parameter configuration will be applied. This is particularly relevant for the Matching without Interaction functionality.

Starting the Registration

Please use the Normalize button to start the registration of the currently selected INP series to the REF series. In the case of multiple INP series the is also active. It allows matching each INP series to the REF applying the same registration parameters.