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Definition of the Properties for the Model's Elements

The properties of the element selected in the model tree can be modified in the properties section on the Models page:


The name of the selected element can be changed in the Rename text field by simply typing the new name. To set the new name make sure to press the Enter button on your keyboard. A dialog window opens: activate the OK button to confirm the change.

To eliminate an entry in the model tree, select the element or the node and activate the Delete PGEMDeleteCharacteristics button.

The Property available for selection is as follows:

  1. HU is representing the Hounsfield units.
  2. YM stands for Young's module.
  3. AI stands for acoustic impedance.

To assign a certain e.g. HU to one or more elements in the model tree please proceed as follows:

  1. Select the element in the model tree. For multiple selection use Shift+click or CTRL+click.
  2. In the text field aside the Property selection (e.g. HU) type the value (e.g. 100).
  3. Confirm the action with the Enter button from the keyboard.


In case property value is entered for a group node it will affect all the nodes beneath it.

Property will be applied to all selected nodes: the selection is referring to the node, not to the checkbox aside the node.

Group node's properties field will display value of property of the first structure in this group: the highest hierarchical node.

If no value at the current entry was entered than the property field shows "0".